Q&A: Antonin Michaud-Soret

Q&A: Antonin Michaud-Soret

Antonin Micahud-Soret directed 2021 WMFF feature “Onboard the Transcontinental Race”. The following of an intense bicycle race and the hardships faced. We asked him a few questions, see our Q&A conversation below:

What is in your gear bag/kit?

bag : Fstopgear shuka or Sinh . filming with Sony FS7mk2

What item can you not live without?


my bicycle

How do you choose music for your films?

It is a lot of work. most of the time, I get in touch with various artist, and ask them if they could re-work or work on some special song in their own style. But also, we’re doing a huge work of sound design, very discrete to highlight the footage and the audience experience even more !

Most necessary character-quality for a director?

dreamer, but also you need to be able to get amazing people around you to support you in your creativity.

Who has been most influential in your directing career?


Fred Mons, Sport photographer at L’équipe magazine, he was the first to trust my vision and my work, when I was a young sport photographer at first.

Favorite on-set memory?

working on a huge budget serie for Redbull, doing all the aerial cinematography with a Red Dragon. I flew over all the most incredible touristic place of south eat asia, with my paramotor. very demanding experience, very technical, but the beauty of the footage was amazing.

Craziest on-set/en route to set adventure?

definitely the Transcontinental race. it was a race into the race for us ( james Robertson official photographer of the race and me). 2 or 3 hour of sleep, 6000km in 15 days, driving and driving again across the balkans roads, meeting incredible cyclist, and people along the road. good food and beers too ;-). the film was shot during 3 years, so we had also time do dive in the balkanik spirit !

More About Antonin Michaud-Soret


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