Q&A: Benjamin Jordan

Q&A: Benjamin Jordan

Benjamin Jordan directed 2021 WMFF features  “The Endless Chain” The story of a paraglider pilot pushing his mind and body to the absolute limit during the most daring series of Rocky Mountain flights in history. We asked him a few questions, see our Q&A conversation below:

What is in your gear bag/kit?

Sony RX100 M4, Gopro 7, 8, Feiyu Gimbal

What item can you not live without?



How do you choose music for your films?

Either I play it myself, or I grab it from Sound Stripe.

Most necessary character-quality for a director?

Creative, Disciplined, Consistent

Who has been most influential in your directing career?


Werner Herzog

Favorite on-set memory?

Any time I fall and happen to have the cameras rolling.

Craziest on-set/en route to set adventure?

Getting all of my camera angles rolling, preparing to land on a melting glacier.

More About Benjamin Jordan:

Benjamin Jordan grew up in Toronto, Ontario and broke into the world of visual arts through pursuits of fashion and advertising photography. In 2006, Jordan and three friends rode their skateboards across Canada, during which he discovered his passion of producing Adventure Travel Documentaries.

He remained out West and has since focused all of his energy into partnering with sponsors, to produce documentaries and publicity, through his unique brand of inspirational and philanthropic adventures.


Prior to completing his record-breaking paraglider voyage from Vancouver to Calgary last summer, he was spending time in Malawi, creating the infrastructure needed for the country’s first Paragliding School: The School of Dreams, which opens to the public this year.

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