Dates & Deadlines

June 21, 2023

Opening Date

December 31, 2023

Earlybird Deadline

May 1, 2024

Regular Deadline

June 1, 2024

Late Deadline

June 30, 2024


July 17, 2024


September 19-22, 2024

2024 Festival

Eligibility Requirements

  • Wasatch Mountain Film Festival is a documentary film festival. If your film is not a documentary, please do not submit.
  • Features are defined as 35 minutes and above, shorts as less than 35 minutes.
  • Subtitled films should either be in English or include English subtitles.
  • At this time, we do not accept VR projects.

Film Categories

  • Feature Film (>35 minutes): Any film on mountain culture or ethnology. Films in this category are 35 minutes or longer and should focus on human culture as in social structure, language, religion, etc. 
  • Short Film (<35 minutes): Films in this category are less than 35 minutes in length and are eligible for the Shane McConkey Award.


Wasatch Mountain Film Festival is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and strongly believes in filmmaker support. As an all-volunteer-run organization, your submission fees help us continue running this event, assist filmmakers with production and post-production support, and fund our yearly Commitment Grants and Emerging Filmmaker Fellowship.

Rules & Terms

  • All materials (including but not limited to photo stills, text copy, and the submitted film) will be retained by Wasatch Mountain Arts and will be used for various promotional purposes, including but not limited to local, national and international press and electronic media.
  • If your film is selected, you agree to not publicly distribute your film on YouTube, Vimeo, or any other public streaming platform until after the festival has concluded.
  • Wasatch Mountain Arts reserves the right to screen any and all entries at the festival and future events, programing, marketing and to include the work in retrospective programs at future festivals.
  • Wasatch Mountain Arts may also use any and all submitted films for festivals, tour montages and independent screenings both online and offline.
  • Wasatch Mountain Arts will retain a copy of the film for the permanent library, along with all promotional materials.
  • The individual or corporation submitting this film agrees to not withdraw the film after selection announcements are made.
  • The individual or corporation submitting this film agrees that if the submitter attempts to withdraw it will be classified as a breach of contract by the filmmaker or submitter.
  • The individual submitter or cooperation agrees that they are financially liable for the cost associated with reprinting materials, ticket refunds or any other lost revenue opportunities that could result from this breach.
  • The individual or corporation or individual submitting the film hereby warrants that it is authorized to commit the film for screening, and understands and accepts these requirements and regulations. The undersigned shall indemnify and hold Wasatch Mountain Arts harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered. By submitting the above-named film for entry in the Wasatch Mountain Film Festival you and all owners, employees and agents (including but not limited to, producers, directors and cinematographers) and entities (including, but not limited to, businesses, organizations and governments) having an interest in said film agree to be bound by the terms stated on this entry form.


Wasatch Mountain Film Festival honors the year’s finest films across eight prestigious categories at our awards ceremony following the festival.


Check out our FAQs. If you still need help, contact us.